*The sound of music echoing and footsteps stepping to the rhythm
Dancing in the MU Parking Lot
*The Memorial Union Parking Lot, also known as the "Quad Parking Structure" is located in central campus/ right across from the Memorial Union
ANT 138
Fatima Hariri
*The low ceilings with cobwebbed infested pipes running across it
*The asphalt smell that is soon filled with sweat from all the dancers around
*Want to know how it feels to try to glide your knees on concrete? This is the perfect place to experience it
*Dance groups from all over UCD gather here to practice hours of choreography and routines until the it's the time of night for the sprinklers to turn on
*play sound for full experience*
*The yellow tinted lights (that sometimes flicker from time to time)
*The sound of running cars and flashing of headlights
*Although it is not the most pleasant place, the experiences and memories I have made in this place for the last 5 years at Davis will follow me forever